Isographics of soul

Isographics of soul

I am in love with life. And I rush to capture the love of mine through the prism of lines and paints, through tenderness of clay – forever –  or the surface of canvas and bronze…

I freed my subconscious from censorship of consciousness. My hand is moved by the freedom of feelings and emotions. On canvas there appears a cardiogram of my heart, the pulsations of my painting, my delight, the sensation of the gracefulness of life that surrounds me.

I’m not trying to copy or to convey likeness, to compete with the Lord. I am not moved by pride to transcend and invent something.

I love. I love Her. My palette knife touches the canvas with gentle passion, creating a trace-line. Touch of my heart, my mind about her. The touch of the pallete knife is the phantom materialization of the energy vibrations, like lightning penetrating into Her and the master. In the beautiful gaze of the naked Muse time flows like a wheel of life, leaving a track – an isographics of the artist’s soul.

I am a sculptor in painting. My relief drawings are only out-splashes of those feelings that are born from the loving gaze of the master, with the amazement and admiration of contemplating the mystery of God’s creation. My only topic is “Woman, as she is.” I paint in white on white. I do not know how to convey that unbelievable purity of lines and emotions, from which Her perfection is woven. Only the light has the right, sliding along the surface of canvas, to unexpectedly snatch an instant moment from the chaos of life.

I am a painter in sculpture. The light, playing with the volume of bronze, is my miraculous graphics, which determines for me the artistic value of plastics. Psychologism and vitality are two elephants on which all my sculpture stands. I deliberately abandoned the composition in the portrait, as from some external, defining and dominant starting point to the extent that was possible. Almost all my portraits are without inclinations. I try to look straight into the soul and to see the God’s providential thought.

My sculptural compositions are my thoughts, like milestones, around which the world of my associations circles: Christ, Woman, Face of a man … I am not too various.

In a drop of dew, I see the whole world and I recognize myself in it, Women, God.  I cannot do anything. And every time I start from the very beginning to discover the world and create my own from zero point. I cannot rise higher than one.

I am the one.


Gregory Pototsky