Award of Partnership «Fortune»

Academy of Kindness awards with «Fortune» award

Between whom such great concepts as cooperation, friendship, and love can appear? Between partners. But how to portray a partnership? What fits best this image? Maybe two legs – they help us walk. Maybe two hands – they help us create. And suddenly I got a flash! The most ideal partners are the two wings! Only they can overcome the insurmountable, tear you away from gravity and lift you up to the stars.

And then I created a thin, elegant Muse, turning her hands into wings. After all, she did not have to do anything, she had to inspire, call you to the flight of thought, fantasy, creativity. And since this is a sculpture, and I needed to make a stand, I strengthened the wings, which were made like flames, a horseshoe. I wondered what happened?! And suddenly, quite unexpectedly, an understanding arose – here it is, Mrs. Luck – Fortune! Yes, the ideal partnership is always luck, always fortune.